In many African countries, getting access to a quality affordable new house is a far-away dream. Empowa is kick-starting an affordable housing movement to enable this dream to come true. To do so, we are looking to develop and support early stage affordable housing developers in Africa. Through Education, Mentorship and Seed Capital.
Do you want to join our journey?

If you successfully complete the Academy with an appealing affordable housing proposition, Empowa, will provide you with the support and funds to kick-start your plan and start building. No funding is required from your side – we seek only your time and commitment.
If this sounds like a dream come true for you, and you share our passion to make a difference, sign up now for the very first cohort of the Affordable Housing Developer Academy.
You will receive:
- Online courses from the European Business University (EBU) Certificate Impact program.
- Mentorship from experienced financial and building professionals who will assist you in the development of your affordable housing proposition
- For the programs top performers access to seed funding to complete your first affordable housing development
If you are already successfully delivering affordable housing in Africa and seeking investment to scale up, please send us a message through the contact form here.


- Comfortable in reading, speaking and
writing English - Have minimum 3 years work experience in
a relevant field - Undertook housing related courses
such as IHS short course in Developing Social Housing Projects or similar education from another academic institute - Have a passion to increase the delivery of quality affordable homes in your region
- Could use support and extra knowledge to deliver your dreams
- Can give approximately 8 hours a week of (mostly on-line) time over 6 months to prepare to potentially launch your own affordable housing development business.
Course Content
By signing up to the Affordable Housing Academy you’ll benefit from the following
Education & Training
Industry leading online education from European Business University based
in Luxembourg
Access to funding from Empowa for the top performing students to support the roll out of their business plan.